DISTRIB.TXT Restrictions on the distribution of Dr Solomon's FindVirus You are *not* allowed to distribute Dr Solomon's FindVirus on BBSes, Internet, CD ROM, floppy disk, etc. It is not shareware. It is not freeware. It is not public domain. This version of FindVirus is made available for evaluation purposes only, and is only available from Dr Solomon's Software authorized sites: CompuServe areas : DRSOLOMON, NCSAFORUM, NCSAVIRUS, ZNT:TIPS (Library 16), PCTECH, MSWORD Cix areas : virus/files, drsolomon/files, filepool AOL : SAFETYONLINE Prodigy Service : FILE LIBRARIES (Anti-virus Center) Anonymous ftp : ftp://ftp.drsolomon.com ftp://members.aol.com/pjevansssi World wide web : http://www.drsolomon.com http://www.tiac.net/users/daphne Dr Solomon's BBS : (781) 229-8804 v.34, N81 This archive may ONLY be made available from the preceding list of approved sites. Recipients of this archive MAY NOT put it or any of its contents up for download on any BBS, or in any way distribute it further, without written permission from Dr Solomon's Software. The right to decide which sites may make this archive available to their users is strictly reserved by Dr Solomon's Software. If you have gotten this file from an unauthorized source, you are running a serious risk of having a copy that is unsafe to use. You should delete it at once and obtain a secure replacement from one of the authorized sites listed above. Copyright (c) 1998 Dr Solomon's Software Ltd. All Rights Reserved